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Pommee - Centennial celebration: a 100-year success story in boilermaking and industry

In 2024, pommee reaches an extraordinary milestone: its 100th anniversary. This remarkable occasion offers us the opportunity to celebrate an exceptional history in the field of boilermaking and industry. Since its founding in 1924 in Liège, pommee has established itself as an undisputed player, demonstrating excellence, innovation, and unwavering commitment to its customers.

Beginnings: The genesis of pommee

It all began in 1924 when pommee was founded with a clear vision: to provide high-quality customized boilermaking solutions. From its inception, the company earned the trust of its customers through its technical expertise and dedication to quality.

Dynamism and growth

Over the years, pommee has agilely evolved to meet the changing challenges of the industry. By investing in cutting-edge technologies, the company has expanded its production capacity and product range, allowing it to address new markets.

Exceptional achievements

Among the significant milestones in its history, pommee can proudly count numerous large-scale projects and prestigious collaborations. From the automotive industry to aerospace, energy, and construction, pommee's footprint extends across various sectors. Each achievement reflects the company's commitment to technical excellence and customer satisfaction.

Unmatched technical expertise

Pommee's technical expertise is one of the cornerstones of its success. Over the decades, the company has developed a highly qualified and experienced team capable of designing and manufacturing custom equipment that meets the most demanding standards.

Innovation as the driving force

Throughout its history, pommee has distinguished itself through its innovative approach. By anticipating market needs and embracing the latest technological advancements, the company has succeeded in offering state-of-the-art solutions and tackling the most complex challenges.

Commitment to sustainability

Pommee is not just a player in boilermaking but also a responsible actor. The company is committed to sustainability by adopting environmentally friendly practices in its operations.

Facing the future with confidence

As pommee celebrates its 100th anniversary, it looks to the future with confidence. The company is determined to continue its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a talented and dedicated team, pommee is ready to meet future challenges and continue to thrive in the field of boilermaking and industry.

By celebrating its 100th anniversary, pommee marks a page in the history of the boilermaking industry. With a long list of achievements, a professional team, and a commitment to quality and innovation, pommee stands as an undisputed player. Looking ahead, we will continue to face challenges with determination, always guided by the values that have shaped our success during these 100 years of achievement. Thanks to all who have made pommee what it is today, and together, we will write new glorious chapters in our promising future.

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